Emotiv Systems, a company
Written by Lowongan Kerja on 21.41Emotiv Systems, a company which is have location to in California, American, peripatetic in the field of industry of game electronic, have merilis a appliance for the censor of called by brain is EPOC. EPOC loo like like audio headset able to be imposed by in head, owning 16 censor, to patch in head to detect electrical stream in brain
EPOC represent appliance able to integrate among/between human being mind and machine. EPOC is also provided with motion censor able to detect head movement. To use EPOC, needn't wear mouse and or keyboard like computer, because censor exist in EPOC will control game pass/through human being mind
Nam Do, a Chief Officer of Officer Emotiv Systems, laying open, solidarity of world game of virtual human being mind world and, sure of him will give experience which will not be forgotten by user. Emotiv Systems explain, in human being brain there are about/around 100 nerve milliard, including neuron. When the neuron interact, hence then emerge electrical wave. Waving the elektri is later;then perceived with censor of EEG electroencephalography , which have been attached at EPOC headset
Emotiv enhance, that EPOC headset also can be attributed to computer with facility of Emokey. Emokey will connect technology of EPOC with PC game. EPOC also can detect many human being expression, seprti laugh, angryly is, disappointed, and even eyeshadow movement
Emotiv Systems affirm especial target of making of EPOC namely will be used to assist all patient of paralysis and stroke so that they admit of to communicate and remain to train movement although with mind. For that, needed by practice in using EPOC. For example, user will learn to remove house object, turning around, lifting even escade with mind, during less than one minute. After feeling is skilled, user can play at to its its his higher level game, like fight game or contention. Technological price of This EPOC gyrate about/around USD 299 or about/around Rp2,9 million.