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Forget about Apple Macbook Water

Written by Lowongan Kerja on 21.43

Forget about Apple Macbook Water, Asus Eee PC and or Voodoo PC Envy because only in two year of notebook-notebook this will not ' keren' again. At its fact, after is final of this period, notebook will change is at all where you will not again use keyboard. In consequence, relate at industry of design of Italian agency, future of computer portable will support dual-LCD desain and do not standard keyboard
One of the agency of Italian of V12 Design, a company in charge of to create dual-LCD laptop by the name of Canova. Where, founder of Director and company of Manager that is Valerio Commetti representing one of the pencetus of this idea
Usah of Canova Design represent first generation which handle model of dual-touchscreen, what relate at word of Cometti, " This represent development with creative type, as does actor". Later, Canova laptop not merely becoming desain on paper but really will become product really. This Laptop in desain to be used like a or newspaper of writing pad with pen elektornik mengunakan, better from at peripheral of other computer portable
Bagaimanpun, Cometti still look for idea for step forwards and dedicate the the idea for the manufaktur of laptop. According to Cometti, agent of V12 Design have worked for to make both/ second generation version desain of laptop dual-screen, what work along with manufacturing business of US. But he do not want to mention the corporate name, Cometti trust this peripheral will finish as tardy as 16 months : " We develop;build brand with new look for both/ second generation. We reach potency which look from Canova, making this can be used do not only such as those which can be done/conducted by notebook during the time" express Cometti at Laptopmag website Cometti Optimism with feature at this new product bringing support of multi-touch and input of built-in microphone. This designate that one of screen/sail of laptop of dual-LCD will provide used by software keyboard is user for the input of data. While microphone built-in to support system recognition of voice, which Cometti trust this notebook dual-screen will become more popular and will be widespread

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