In a moment wait entire/all appliance will become wireless, so that media and file will automatically walk with device portable like PDA, media of pla
Written by Lowongan Kerja on 21.04
In a moment wait entire/all appliance will become wireless, so that media and file will automatically walk with device portable like PDA, media of player and of camera digital. Until that day, sure user feel fatigue if/when have to take photo of digital camera, then install cable of konektor to computer, application software menginstal, file upload, last of down shut and of disconnect cable of USB camera
But, all that will be replied/ answered with existence of Eye-Fi of SD Digital Secure Wi-Fi card, representing standard of memory SD with network of wireless Wi-Fi built-in, so that will facilitate in file uploading in network range of wireless wherever. Eye-Fi SD card work with many model of camera digital, with capacities 2 GB to accomodate photo
To use Eye-Fi SD card, doormat user have to wireless interface in front with USB reader mengkoneksikan at PC or of Mac, new later;then run Eye-Fi Manager software. Later;Then user can arrange wireless koneksi and specification of location for the location of file to be transferred by in machine of local user computer and at the same time to run Eye-Fi software, or for sharing photograph in website via service of website Eye-Fi. Price of Eye-Fi this SD Card gyrate USD 99.
To use Eye-Fi Manager software, first of user have to make account in Eye-Fi server and of koneksi Internet to run software, although in transfer of file only sent to local. Last of configuraton user can Eye-Fi SD card for dikoneksikan to network of wireless, and specification of photo of online and or folder in local computer for the uploading of file. Last of user can let Eye-Fi Manager software communicate with Eye-Fi and card of menyimpan file to computer. User also earn upload photograph for sharing in direct website of Eye-Fi SD card to some situs like Facebook, Camera of Gallery, Cosco, Walmart, Picasa, Shutterfly, Snapfish, and Photobucket Before menyimpan photograph or photo upload, hence user have to fire camera which have terinstal in computer, as well as including USB Eye-Fi reader. Eye-Fi SD card will start new file uploading and Eye-Fi Manager software will show its process from each;every transferred file. With the progress indicate that Eye-Fi SD card have and terkoneksi of uploading successful before user can remove again file photograph to camera.