Mogo Media of Mouse X54 represent combination of remote wireless multimedia and of mouse inscrutable,
Written by Lowongan Kerja on 21.35Mogo Media of Mouse X54 represent combination of remote wireless multimedia and of mouse inscrutable, which can of menyimpan slot of Expresscard / 54 in laptop, and very is easy used for the switch of desain so that/ to be can control iTunes, Youtube and other media
Fitur Mogo Media of Mouse X54 " balmy and interesting Desain to be used as mouse " Can fill from laptop, meaning needn't buy battery and take care of environment " There are function of Bluetooth conducive wireless for the control of application of multimedia in distance 30 feet " Owning function which is same as laser wireless mouse namely scroll, right click, left click in small place enough " Work with many media of player like iTunes, Musicmatch, Windows Media of Player, Real Player and of Windvd Player " There are media function of is including pause, play, track next, track priious and volume control
Specification Of Mogo Media of Mouse X54 " Hardware : slot of Expresscard / 54, USB Bluetooth® or adapter of Bluetooth " Operating System : XP and of Vista, Macintosh Running Mac OS X " Koonektivitas : Bluetooth® Specification 2.0 EDR compliant " Resolution : 800 DPI " Distance Job/Activity : 30 feet 10 " Dimension : 3.1 x 2.125 x . 2 inch 78 x 54 x 5 mm " Wight : 14 gram " Battery : Normal of Battery 8-10 hour/clock " Time admission filling : 30 minuteMogo Media of Mouse X54 easy to can convert to in control remote letting play user, pause, pause, track previous, track next and arrange volume by wireless in media variation of of player. Since Mogo Media of Mouse X54 earn menyimpan and automatically fill ' its battery' from laptop, making this appliance as perfect tool when user wish to bring media of player on the way. Mogo Media of Mouse X54 have balmy and smooth desain, which have is same function as laser mouse of wireless conventional, and easy used with on switch / off, also its for which snugly on-hand.