Sun Microsystems and of Fujitsu
Written by Lowongan Kerja on 21.48Sun Microsystems and of Fujitsu, Monday 14 / 07 yesterday have new server launching which have the power of Sparc64 VII quad-core processor. There are type server of M400, M500, M800 and of M900 which have walked in operating system of Solaris, woke up for big scale database, data of warehouse, and application of ERP of Oracle, SAP, also business vendor of software other
Server Sparc Enterprise have didesian by Sun and of Fujitsu. Both of the company use machine of server with previous Sparc64 VI processor. this newest Processor Sparc64 VII can provide 80% better performance and use 44% energi per core than previous version. Company Server using Sparc64 VI processor earn processor meng-upgrade to chip of processor new, Sparc64 VII, without making change at hardware. Company also can alli both the processor in machine multiprocessor of server Enterprise, what attend to start 4 till 64 CPU
new Sparc64 VII have chip 65-nanometer, meaning to have more transistor, compared to of longer model, Sparc64 VI 90 nanometer. Transistor which is more can improve performance to higher level ratio. Sparc64 VII have speed of clock 2,4 or 2,52GHz. Type of M400 6U representing smallest server, and have 4CPU, memory 128GB, and internal harddisk 292GB While type of M900 represent type of server most of powerful and see ' stick' in floor, owning data center by 64CPU, memory 2TB and internal harddisk 9,34TB. To the problem of price, Sun not yet opened secret, but Sun provide program to be commercialized to company which wish their hardware meng-upgrade.