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Acer represent one of the company of maker of notable notebook in world

Written by Lowongan Kerja on 11.09

Acer represent one of the company of maker of notable notebook in world. At its its his , company of Acer at the moment represent company of biggest notebook of number three in world. In this time Acer is searching the way of so that/ to be can become to the in world, with its pledge product that is launching product of Aspire One.
Some times ago Acer have launched its Atom-Powered notebook during this year in show of Computex in Taipei China. Its Launching mentioned as one of the best alternative for the Eee Of PC. Company of successful Acer use version of Linux at Eee PC as well as will use operating system of Windows XP
With existence of this new production, nowadays Acer have specified a n high sales target, targeting sale of his/its product like sale at product of ASUS. Company of Acer will deliver 5-7 million Aspire One XP netbook at a time six-month during. This matter can assist Acer to be able to stabilize peringkat to 3 in market of notebook and even improve position in ACE market segment. that Aspire One XP will be launched by in Taiwan by the end of July, and will be showed by in Taipei in event of Computer Applications and to all consumer in ACE state and European can get the the product in August
Digitimes report that Acer will join in in sale of PC in state of US and will improve sale after levying of Gateway in year 2007. However, because shares of stock of brand of Gateway remain to continue in market of desktop, though the roll-out of from Blu-Ray notebook in second perempat from 2008. Acer earn also get advantage of release of platform of Intel Centrino 2, where of menaikan sale of notebook in all the world.

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