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AMD Start Production of Prosesor 45 First nm

Written by Lowongan Kerja on 14.17

AMD Start Production of Prosesor 45 First nm
San Fransisco CA , AMD have confirmed if they have started phase produce prosesor 45 nm, with the meaning AMD will keep a promise him/it to introduce Opteron 45 nm, with code of is name of Shanghai in kuartal four 2008. version of Desktop its will catch up with delay of habit about/around 60 day later;then
Recognition of Opteron quad-core prosesor 65 nm with core of Barcelona last year it is true do not too impressive. Existence of postponement is progressively enlarged with problem of TLB bug resulting market compartment of AMD in market of server DP and of MP downhill and taken by Intel. Server Barcelona, is same as model of M2 property of Sun, overdue 8 months of estimated time. Nevertheless, according to a article publicized by Cnet, model " Shanghai" have ready to go forward and will be available by the end of this year
AMD claim if Shanghai will 20% is quicker the than Barcelona, cache 3x folding 6MB non 2MB , and support Hypertransport 3. AMD set mind on to produce 45 nm with best quality high-end , first with more beneficial Opteron just caught up by 45 nm for the CPU OF desktop, with code of is name of Deneb. Although estimated to apart 60-90 launching day, Deneb seems is also drawn up to glide fourth kuartal 2008. Shanghai is possible announced in October and of Deneb some week before noelOther information tell if Shanghai will maintain " mean energy consumption" 55,75 and 105 watt, and AMD estimate if Shanghai can defeat performance of prosesor Dunnington core six property of Intel. While, six-core prosesor property of AMD have, code to of is name of " Istanbul" all server prosesor and of desktop AMD called according to race location of Formula 1 , promised will be defined as CPU monolithic at kuartal four 2009, also with energy consumption which is sama. TGDaily

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