Apple Prepare New Product " Brick" and Upgrade Macbook
Written by Lowongan Kerja on 14.36Apple Prepare New Product " Brick" and Upgrade Macbook
Although just merilis some new product in event of Let'S Rock last week, Apple have drawn up event acquaintanceship of next product. Note the date of this: 14 October 2008 is the date of where Apple will introduce new version of product lini of Macbook, and a new product with code of is name of ' Brick' Mac Tablet possible? . special Situs-situs study Apple have started multitude with products speculation to be introduced next month
If disappointed You to roll-out of Nano iPod and of Touch new last week do not reach high standard of Apple, seems Apple still leave over ACE card to close year 2008. Daring Fireball say that ' You who still await product series of Macbook new have to be patient await to come him of is 14 October, according to source of which is soybean cake plan Apple
Roll-Out of new Macbook it is true do not surprise and have been ventured by since some last month. Buyer'S Guide Macrumors also show at the fact that all product of laptop Apple have is abysmal of period upgrade mean
new Product Lini of Apple will be tidy of prosesor, storage media, graphical card and also memory of new generation. Macbook Pros anticipated will have new desain looking like with Macbook Irrigate while Macbook will get aluminum casing. There is also analyst saying that Apple will clip price of Macbook from $ 1.099 becoming $ 999 and Macbook Water become $ 1.799. Besides getting new Intel prosesor, Macbook Irrigate also will get disk hard 120GB made in new Toshiba which is equal to Classic iPod
According to situs 9 to 5 Mac, this event also will have momen ' thing more one,' typical sentence which is always used by Steve Jobs to introduce new product, this a mysterious product with code of is name of ' Brick.' There is telling ' Brick' is product of Mac Tablet, there is also telling a sub-notebook to compete in segment of netbook pioneered by Eee PC
Update: Macrumors report that analyst of Richard Gardner of Citigroup confirm to start distributing of new Macbook of Apple with ' very flimsy aluminum casing, screen/sail with LED backlight and price enter aggresive level