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Concept of New Tab for the Firefox of

Written by Lowongan Kerja on 20.43

Concept of New Tab for the Firefox of
Serious Mozilla seems moment tell to wish to look for input about concepts of browsing new of community. Some last week they ask input about concept of browser future, nowadays they study the problem of usage of tab in browser. Moment open a new tab in Your Firefox is greeted by a empty page;yard. Do Firefox can enhance better something that in this page;yard? Its answer is yes, but what? To start to to explore existing possibility, let us see two concept hereunder
Contextual New-Tab
First is " Contextual New-Tab Actions" of Aza Raskin using previous consumer actions to increase experience of user/ wearer browsing pass/through wilier new tab. Especial target of this concept is
o Facilitate activity which is is ordinary to be done/conducted by like doing/conducting seeking for text which You see in page;yard of situs. If Your soybean cake browser just black out a address and open new tab, big possibility of You wish to look for the the address in map, giving opdon to do/conduct this matter in one click
o Do/Conduct some activity at the same time. If You always open computer news situs after opening Gmail, browser offer opdon to do/conduct this moment open new tab
o Facilitate seeking. You often open new tab to do/conduct seeking: hence presenting big seeking box in the middle of
Edward Lee, especial developer of Awesome Bar of Firefox 3 have started to test-drive a Zero-Configuration dial speed which is implementation of fitur Speed Dial Opera, the difference this knobs is enhanced automatically pursuant to frequency pengunjungan of You although in this time not yet functional so. To opening him/ it You need to type " chrome://autodial/content" in URL bar of Firefox
Ambient News
Second is idea of Ambient News of conducive Atul Varma of Firefox to learn from Your browsing habit to present interesting to news in new tab. Its target is
o Provide user/ wearer access news of situs-situs which often they visit
o Look for the way of newly to socialize RSS

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