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Fabrik, peripatetic company in the field of computer

Written by Lowongan Kerja on 11.11

Fabrik, peripatetic company in the field of computer, have launched economic eksternal harddisk and user-friendly. The Harddisk can transfer data with speed 25% is quicker the than port product standard of USB 2.0
The Harddisk named by Simpletech, a eksternal harddisk able to communicate with turbo computer as soon as, than USB 2.0 which only have speed to 480Mbps. Simpletech have capacities 500GB for PC, and can walk in operating system of Apple Mac OS X and of Microsoft Windows. Product of Simpletech is also equiped from software back up autorun of Fabrik, to facilitate Simpletech for the menyimpan of data in harddisk and of terkoneksi with service back up online with Fabrik
In order to to make product become friendlierly of environment than its its his , Digital Western, Fabrik develop;build Simpletech eksternal harddisk of recycle and bamboo of alumunium. Harddisk Simpletech also have energy of adapter Energy Star, a international standard for the product of efficient and effective consumer. For the operating system of Windows, Simpletech have virus proteksi fitur to assist to to prevent the transfer of virus infection file which have from process back up data
Fabrik provide to access online for service back up from Simpletech harddisk software. The Service attend to back up depository with capacities 2GB, or unlimited depository at the price of USD 5 per month. Simpletech attend in Turbo version of USB 2.0, and Fabrik have also merilis in capacities version 250GB and 320GB. Simpletech also have eksternal supply power, wight 4,8 onz, and have dimension to 7,5 x 2,2 x 5 inch.

have launched economic eksternal harddisk and user-friendly. The Harddisk can transfer data with speed 25% is quicker the than port product standard of USB 2.0
The Harddisk named by Simpletech, a eksternal harddisk able to communicate with turbo computer as soon as, than USB 2.0 which only have speed to 480Mbps. Simpletech have capacities 500GB for PC, and can walk in operating system of Apple Mac OS X and of Microsoft Windows. Product of Simpletech is also equiped from software back up autorun of Fabrik, to facilitate Simpletech for the menyimpan of data in harddisk and of terkoneksi with service back up online with Fabrik
In order to to make product become friendlierly of environment than its its his , Digital Western, Fabrik develop;build Simpletech eksternal harddisk of recycle and bamboo of alumunium. Harddisk Simpletech also have energy of adapter Energy Star, a international standard for the product of efficient and effective consumer. For the operating system of Windows, Simpletech have virus proteksi fitur to assist to to prevent the transfer of virus infection file which have from process back up data
Fabrik provide to access online for service back up from Simpletech harddisk software. The Service attend to back up depository with capacities 2GB, or unlimited depository at the price of USD 5 per month. Simpletech attend in Turbo version of USB 2.0, and Fabrik have also merilis in capacities version 250GB and 320GB. Simpletech also have eksternal supply power, wight 4,8 onz, and have dimension to 7,5 x 2,2 x 5 inch.

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