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Intel have detail merilis of new generation of chip

Written by Lowongan Kerja on 11.17

Intel have detail merilis of new generation of chip which is didesain for the pecinta of video of game, multitasking, and one who look for high power for computer utilize to improve computer lifestyle. Maker of biggest chip, Intel have provided technology of processor named multicore " Larabee", which according to plan will be presented by next week in industrial conference in Kiosk of Angeles.
Intel and its its his , AMD Advanced Micro Devices have sold chip with two or four core, becoming mind base of processor. Intel of chip merilis of Larabee by 16 till 48 core in the year 2009 or 2010, and its plan with the multicore can handle graphically of high level game. chip of Multicore can economize energi and lessen heat when walking high-speedly, by dividing task between core. Besides, program can walk concurrently in portion style as parallel computer.
traditionally, core single handle task in sequence, start from task early final till. Therefore, nowadays have been drawn up by Intel, with processor multicore able to make game of quicker game added by the quality of good picture, so that can handle different task in one time. For example, user possible wish to see video, sending enamel and message of text, whereas program of antivirus remain to walk.
Processor Intel Multicore have didesain with best architecture and software, so that can divide task between core to maximize efficiency performance of computer. According to mouthpiece of Nik Knupffer, all maker of software feel do not motivat to make this multicore software, because just hardware-nya there is no, so that this matter make natural Intel of deadlock.
According To Andrew Chien, Intel alone have made about/around 80 the multicore processor.dan core will make computer as especial bridge of physical world to virtual. Intel also berencana to make and is optimal of software to hundreds of and thousands of expected core can give power more for computer in future.

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