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Intel Launch Dual Core Atom

Written by Lowongan Kerja on 14.32

Intel Launch Dual Core Atom
Such as those which we have report on last month, solution of prosesor Atom core dual 330 for nettop of Intel have dirilis together/ along with new Atom motherboard of D945Gclf2 supporting DDR-2 667, audio of HD six and canal of gigabit Ethernet. Atom 330 although have and fitur of clockspeed identik with Atom 230 1.6GHz , but owning dual-core prosesor, L2 cache equal to 1MB and support Hyperthreading HT is so that anticipated will have performance which far better with TDP 8W
value of Benchmark Atom 230 can vary till 50% depended from active or do not it him HT fitur, by enhancing one additional core, may simply performance of CPU this netbook will mount drastic enough. Although make-up of this performance will differ from case to case, is in general anticipated by this prosesor will have performance which is is better to be compared to Atom 230 with only consuming little bit more energy
Combination Atom 330 and D945Gclf2 motherboard represent solution of desktop / nettop computer used for light usage and usually use application base on web, but do not portabel pure. Although nothing that doubt of that Intel in a moment of CPU Atom merilis of dual-core economical of N370 energi, sure schedule of him still not yet been known so that most netbook anticipated still will use Atom of N270 including Eee PC 901 and 1000 economical core single of energy at least till this Christmas festival year
So far, Intel N270 still represent soloist in segment of netbook although in a few month;moon forwards AMD and VIA of its own solution merilis. IS VIA anticipated of its solution merilis which developed together/ along with Nvidia to compete with Intel Atom while AMD alone also have expressed its intention to launch product of CPU powered lower

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