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Nano iPod Attend In 9 Colour, New Touch iPod

Written by Lowongan Kerja on 14.49

Nano iPod Attend In 9 Colour, New Touch iPod
In event of Let'S carried out by Rock is Apple in San Francisco yesterday, they announce some product of iPod new, firmware 2.1 for the iPod of Touch version of iPhone catch up in final the current week , big update for the application of iTunes become version 8 with various new fitur and many again
Announcement in around first iPod is discontinuing of production of iPod biggest fairish, classic iPod 160GB because ' nothing like buying this thick iPod," word of Steve Jobs in podium. Single defended product in series of iPod classic is model 120GB which is dibanderol $ 249 and have dimension to is equal to model 80GB today
Product series of iPod Nano get big update, of dimension facet, New Nano the released is ' flimsiest iPod which we have make.' this New Nano in form of oval with long original Nano iPod desain. tidy New Nano also accelerometer used in and iPhone of iPod Touch to give appearance Cover Flow moment holded by horizontal
From software facet, Nano nowadays can make Genius of playlist without emotion interfaced to iTunes, so also with a few previous fitur can only be got to pass/through third party accessory like recorder voice and moment shuffle of diguncang. Nano iPhone nowadays also come with fitur announcing song information and menu pass/through voice
Some other new fitur is including headphone with knob loo like like iPhone, volume control and of microphone. Depress clicker once for the pause of, click double to turn around next song, thrice to turn around previous song and record voice with microphone exist in from other sideing him. Unhappily, this headphone do not free of charge, sold at the price of $ 29 and will start to be sold to start next month together/ along with valuable high arphone with quality $ 79
Apple also tell battery of new Nano can stay during 24 hour/clock to turn around music and 4 hour/clock for the video of. Nano iPod will start to be distributed in a few day forwards and sold at the price of $ 149 for model 8GB and $ 199 for model 16GB. Gizmodo have complete ulasang about new Nano iPod with high photos with quality
Product Lini of iPod Shuffle also will come with new colours like Nano iPod, price, capacities and dimension will remain be is same
New Touch iPod
Telling touch iPod as remarkable product, Jobs say that Touch iPod ' very differing from what is in marketing today and for the season of vacation to come, we make better yet again.' this new Touch iPod have screen/sail 3,5 inch which is equal to previous version, but have flimsier dimension to again. this new Touch iPod also come with volume of control in shares from other side and microphone which according to Jobs ' very inaccesible for product which so attenuate
new Touch iPod have endurance 36 hour/clock to turn around music and 6 hour/clock for video. Sold at the price of $ 229 for model 8GB, $ 299 for model 16GB and $ 399 to 32GB, Apple say that this new Touch iPod as ' ever iPod funnest the
iTunes 8
iTunes, application controling is hardware of Apple like iPod, iPhone, Apple TV and others reach version 8 and get big update in event of Apple newest. iTunes 8 owning fitur ' Genius' which can automatically make playlist of songs which is ' compatible.' A Genius sidebar also have system recommend new music
iTunes 8 will appear in/on Software Update to all consumer of Mac OS X and also of Windows. You also earn this application mengunduh freely the expense of from iTunes.com
Firmware iPhone 2.1
Although do not innovate, Apple say that OS iPhone 2.1 operating goodness of iPhone and also of iPod Touch will be released during near by this. this New Firmware will improve battery endurance by signifikan, improve;repairing many process and bug back up to iTunes also will much more quickly
new Touch iPod have operated firmware 2.1 and earn free diunduh by all owner of and iPhone of iPod Touch which have operated firmware 2.0.x. Owner of Touch iPod with firmware 1.x remain to have to pay for the expense of update $ 9.99. Arstechnica

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