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system of Voting electronic of vendor big have made big history

Written by Lowongan Kerja on 12.51

system of Voting electronic of vendor big have made big history to explain how a machine of voting can vanish hundreds of vote at election in last Ohio March month;moon, and told by party/ side of vendor the that have happened program which is error, is not mistake of antivirus software.
machine of E-Voting of Premier Election Solutions Inc., what is before now known as by Diebold Election Systems, have eliminated hundreds of vote from 11 times calculation in Ohio during election of primary, whereas content of memory machine card have diupload altogether to server enumeration of voting. Premier initially after knowing this occurence then blame caused by conflict is antivirus software of Mcafee Inc., but company of Premier at the current week say that there are logic error in machine of source GEMS code Government Employees Medical Scheme as cause of is problem of this.
" We now have reason to believe that logic error in code of GEMS can cause this occurence when there no antivirus software which is terinstal in server. Conclusion of us last week, only not yet just complete because us in fact is investigating furthermore it .", word of president Premier, Dave Byrd.
Party/ side of Premier tell its machine of him walk in a few version of software GEMS how to overcome missing vote. His side also will check server numerator of vote to see what is card memory have diupload all to server. According to Chris Riggall, analyst of Premier, Premier have developed repair for the error of logic and now newly mengetesnya. Premier have included a version of software GEMS for federal certificate, and Premier of men-submit repair of bug as part of process. But, edition perbaikan him/it , GEMS software will not have by federal election office before election of November come.

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