Consumer generally take a fancy
Written by Lowongan Kerja on 20.59Consumer generally take a fancy to to be displayed king sized in device mobile to read message of enamel or a e-book, but them also take a fancy to smaller appliance, which can entered/included by pocket. Now have been developed by new technology which have big screen/sail which is fleksible, portable and even rollable like papyrus
One of the newest appliance, Readius, a book in the form of is digital, or referred as ' papyrus electronic', didesain with especial poin to read book, magazine, newspaper, and mail, becoming standard size measure a ponsel. Owning form of flip and when opened, will come up screen/sail of the size diagonal 5 inch. Visible screen/sail like crystal liquid, and can bend into by fleksible only with gesticulating. With Readius, consumer earn mendownload and read enamel pass/through wireless koneksi had by Readius, and can accomodate enamel till as thick as book.
Screen/Sail of Readius black and white chromatic have 22 line of page, depended used letter type, and all fitur allied with black colour cover outside representing solidarity of technology of E Ink. Materials cover made Readius of plastic or is metal of foil, shatterproof and strong casing, also flimsy screen/sail , light desain, slim, harsh, and can meliuk flexiblely. Screen/Sail will change from one page;yard to other page;yard a time gap about/around semi second, with one thumb touch. Every page;yard is also read in so many variation of of setting illumination, even if under sunshine
Karl Mcgoldrick, executive head of Polymer Vision, company of maker of Readius exist in Dutch, laying open, Readius will be introduced in English, Itali and this Germany year and in U.S till whole world in the year 2009 coming. Concerning price, there is no definitive information of party/ side of Poymer Vision, but vice president of marketing and sale of Polymer Vision estimate price of Readius about/around USD 359. Excess of screen/sail of Readius namely the existence of Active Matrix faslitas, a number of transistor residing in to return each;every article piksel and secretory picture of screen/sail of Readius, which can quicken process of switching and add performance. Mcgoldrick explain, Readius have difference 16 pepper and salt at its screen/sail , but Polymer Vision will remain to try to add colour model and ability of video in period to come.