Nuvi 880, peripheral of Navigasi made in this Garmin
Written by Lowongan Kerja on 20.59Nuvi 880, peripheral of Navigasi made in this Garmin by using processor made in Marvell. Many rumor that Nuvi 880 which have been marketed by at some provided with last month;moon of integrated Linux, but moment of Linuxdevices ask to Garmin concerning Source code, the company reply/ answer " Unhappily, information concerning operating system in peripheral of Garmin represent software proprietary."
Is finally replied/ answered by have, where Garmin finally Nuvi code source memposting 8xx and Nuvi 5xx.. Seen from existing code source in it, used code source pursuant to Gnome Mobile projek, defined by is last one year where representing the part of Gnome Mobile & Embedded Initiative GMAE . And if glanced at, Nuvi code source 880 indication that this peripheral use kernel of Linux
Nuvi 880 offering interaction recognition voice able to with hands-free and can recognize " shortcut" frase like " Find Address". Radio of Bluetooth conducive of interaction user can with peripheral of bluetooth in handphone to do/conduct call pass/through and speaker of microphone in Nuvi 880 this.
This peripheral also provide direction voice with many form voice such as those which in City Navigator of NT. In addition, besides there are map 2D, this peripheral also offer map 3D is digital. Added by millions of Points Interest of POI , where user earn POI menyimpan property of / their favorite. Nuvi 880 even automatically can give sign where position park this peripheral moment you is we bring exit of car, conducive is we earn to find position where us park car.
Besides, consumer get free three months of service of MSN Direct where is available of service to know weather in certain location by real-time, traffic, gas price, stock information, news, and various schedule of event. Nuvi 880 also offer planning of journey route where consumer earn menyimpan until 10 route
Additional of other fitur is MP3 Player, audio of book player, Picture viewer JPEG and still many other additional fitur. 880 Nuvi this sold at the price of American 1070 dollar.