Intel Corp., maker of chip of computer biggest
Written by Lowongan Kerja on 21.39Intel Corp., maker of chip of computer biggest, on Thursday 10 / 07 , have got permit of U.S Food Drug Administration and to sell health monitoring system at home, for patient with chronic condition. The system so called " Health Guide", a appliance combining patient appliance at home like accessing online facilitating professional observer of doctor or health can monitor patient and can take care of long distancely
Health Guide represent interaktif tool for the management of treatment of and personal of mengitegrasikan vital marking which obtained, memory of patient, containing about content educational multimedia and of feedback, and as communications tool like enamel and video-conference. System of Health Guide earn terkoneksi to specific model of medical appliance of goodness with cable and also without cable wireless , like monitor of blood pressure, pengukur of glucose, oximeter pengukut of oxygen pressure in blood , peak of metre flow for the patient of bronchitis and asthma and aerometer of body. The appliance also earn menyimpan and present information in screen/sail concerning patient data and delivering him/ it to peaceful server host, so that medical professional or doctor can see the infromasi
Louis Burns, vice president and of general manager from is Digital of Health Group property of Intel lay open that Health Guide system will be marketed by in company of insurance, penyedia of health service like hospital, puskesmas, as well as to government. obtained Feedback with existence of this appliance of trbukti with officer of clinic in some hospital very is taking a fancy to of this Health Guide system
Before existence of Health Guide, two company of maker of medical appliances, Medtronic Inc and of St. Jude Medical Inc have created long distance monitoring system for patient which suffering liver cancer. But, party/ side of Intel do not assume the mentioned as a n emulation, but as complement of medical appliance world variation of , including Health Guide. Intel also lay open that Health Guide earn is commercial the than penyedia of health service in United States and of UK by the end of this year or early next year at the price of about/around USD 19,96
Indonesia? Just hopefully can have the appliance of next year