Intel will launch product of laptop newest
Written by Lowongan Kerja on 21.40
Intel will launch product of laptop newest of him that is Centrino 2 by next week. Monday represent early roll-out of laptop base on platform of Centrino 2 which is its performance will be more quickly than product old ones with wireless konektivitas which mounting.
Centrino represent platform of Intel newest after experiencing of change which have been launched in the year 2003.
this new Perfoma Platform give performance of laptop become quickerly, more economical energi because in it there are chip of Core 2 laboring Duo at 2.26GHz and 3.06GHz. This Laptop also support for the network of wireless 802.11n and Wimax broadband without cable, to make consumer of laptop can use its its his konektivitas with good speed, word of Elvin Ong a mouthpiece of Intel
This Platform in it there are chip of Penryn using process 45-nanometer, by 3 laboring new prosesor use energi equal to 25 watt. this is Matter more economical because former Centrino model laptop use energi equal to 35 watt meaning happened thrift 10 watt, word of Elvin Ong.
Excess of is differ from Centrino laptop 2 that is its former compared to nicer graph, word of Nathan Brookwood, a analyst " Insight 64 . Graph at Centrino laptop use GM45 card grapich which is Directx support 10 to yield the quality of good graph.
Battery at this laptop is believed in strength and is durable. Screen/Sail will be blue sudden if battery will die. Become we is given by opportunity to kill all program before battery ending, word of Brookwood.
With existence of graph of coupled with Advanced Micro Devices is graph technology of Puma notebook will make the quality of yielded picture become nicerly, word of Brookwood.
Sale of Centrino laptop 2 by vendor-vendor will be announced by next week. Any way one of the so called Europe vendor of Santech have preceded in sale of X46 laptop by using chip of Core 2 Duo, LOUVRE 4 Giga byte, screen/sail 15.4 inch, ability of Wimax and of wireless A/G/N networking with price dibandrol € 619 US$963 .
Pioneer of laptop using chip of Centrino 2 with Core prosesor 2 Duo that is company of PC Australian. Its of him named by Dreambook Style 9008 with screen/sail 15.4 LOUVRE and inchi 4 Giga bytes sold at the price of $ 1,399 US$1,334 .
Seller of chip of processor like is Digital of Spyders and of Provantage have offered chip of Centrino 2 with Core 2 break even Duo of T9600 which walk at 2.8 GHZ with memory chase 6 Mega of bytes sold at the price of US$570. Intel Core 2 break even Duo of T9400 which walk at 2.53 GHZ and of chase memory 6 Mega of bytes sold at the price of $ 330 to $ 360 at its its his .
Outside Centrino 2, Intel make new product by lessening chip size measure and lessen consumption of energi. In the year 2007, Intel converse to regarding/ hit decrease of normal chip become 60 gratuity/ % to make platform of Centrino 2. Moment interrogated by do will make smaller chip again for the things will come a official cannot give definitive answer. Intel of newest product merilis to replace Centrino 2 to be named by Calpella to next year dirilis