Alarum of Atmos emerge since year 1982
Written by Lowongan Kerja on 11.06
You have heard hour/clock of Atmos
Alarum of Atmos emerge since year 1982, and created first time by Jaeger-Lecoultre and of desainer famous of Australian, Marc Newson. Nowadays have attended hour/clock model of Atmos 561, what is also created by both
Model of Atmos 561 this newest, wrapped with crystal bubble casing of Baccarat to remember a period of/to year hour/clock 80-an, Jean-Leon Reutter, which have patented the technology. Hour/Clock of Atmos 561 this differ from hour/clock which usually
Hour/Clock of Atmos this of fluctuation bertenagan of temperature, a inscrutable technique by using gas mixture and of liquid chloride ethyl, which can disseminate when temperature go up and or go down. This matter cause hour/clock needle will make a move during two-day in degree of Celcius
Hour/Clock of Atmos 561 this represent beautiful technology, but its for do not be made by like hand watch in general. Possible this matter because of internal mechanism in hour/clock of Atmos complicated and cannot be made to become small dimension, so that/ to be can walk like hand watch. But, however fluctuation of temperature and change of pressure of atmosfir can make hour/clock of Atmos peripatetic smoothly, although there are some a few/little error than ordinary mechanic hour/clock
Hour/Clock of Atmos 561 this newest not yet owned definitive price, but party/ side of Jaeger-Lecoultre lay open, hour/clock of Atmos this have price range about/around USD 5000, price which is costly enough for unique technological hour/clock .