Intel done/conducted by Gadi Singer a Vice President of Group Mobility of Intel, and Doug Davis
Written by Lowongan Kerja on 11.07
Yesterday, during news conference of Intel done/conducted by Gadi Singer a Vice President of Group Mobility of Intel, and Doug Davis, a Vice President of Digital Group Company of Intel, Santa Clara-Based announce first time inserry from chip aim to at security, depository, application and communications at industry. this New network designed for market and called by Intel EP80579 Integrated Processor Family.
That Chip is relied on a n chip architecture where most of we have recognized him/it . Pentium M Proseccor core represent the core of from project of which is developing nowadays. Product of System-On-Chip New Soc integrate a n core of Pentium M, with a n Memory Controller Hub MCH , I / hub o ICH , TDM, and machine of akselerasi groove data, also the known as Intel Quickassist Technology
Intel start to develop new production to draw up company of computer apparatus of Internet which is portabel and expected can become market compartment in period to come. At its its his , with this new production, Intel will yield a competition for the growth of ARM prosesor.
With system desain more complex use smaller chip, This Intel more see from performance facet, compatibility, ability of software, its intellegence of him, control , size measure and expense to make better product either from which have been made and to fulfill desire of market compartment" word of Gadi Singer
Elementary network of integrated Pentium prosesor will provide a n speed of nucleus;core including 600MHz - 12GHz, at one particular storey;level of TDP have energy equal to 115W, for chip with lowest performance, while 21W for the model of highest performance
Beside announcement of EP80579 Integrated Processor Family, Intel have expressed that them also have a number of project of Soc this time to be developed internally, this development most relied on atomic nucleus