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American Military of berencana to finish USD 200 million

Written by Lowongan Kerja on 12.58

American Military of berencana to finish USD 200 million in developing robot product in five year forwards. the Robot product named by iRobot, which is is previous to be used by Program Officer of Office military of America for the simulation of, training, and instrumentation in May then, and limited with purchasing of Packbots.
Contract this iRobot give U.S Army freedom to buy shares, doing/conducting training, and service memaintain of iRobot, like robot of industrial company or consumer during five year come. However money of USD 200 million in bond five year making of iRobot is including into IDIQ or of Indefinite-Delivery / indefinite-quantity, meaning U.S Army might not fully burn a hole in pocket USD 200 million the in product of iRobot promised.
Contract of IDIQ at umumny represent agreement among/between governmental agent and vendor of U.S because them more flexible and do not limit. Pursuant To Is Federal of Acquisition Regulation in bond of IDIQ, governmental of America do not have to finish altogether to fulfill contractual obiligasi with vendor, and enable American government to use the the money for the product of service and of vendor than to buy item with amount which many.
Whereas warranty vendor do not regarding/ hit transparency of is amount of usage of in bond money, but more to their product promotion. iRobot have been announced in last July, where U.S Army have memenagkan contract with Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency DARPA , what later;then develop a " Chembot", a new type robot which made of by flexible material.

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