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NEC have introduced

Written by Lowongan Kerja on 12.57

NEC have introduced at Tuesday yesterday, a low berenergi server of Intel and a four Blade server socket, Express 5800 / and i120Ra-e1 of Express 5800 / 140Ba-10 blade, in market of server in America. NEC say, i120Ra-e1 server rack use power more efficient with Xeon processor owning low voltage and a new supply power desain
Processor Xeon owning low-power like E7500, E7501 and of E7520. Speed of clock equal to 3.2GHz and consumption of power maximum 103 watt. this I120Ra-E1 Server is also provided with two Xeon processor multicore. Product of I120Ra-E1 support by 3.5-inch is Serial of Attached SCSI and of harddisk Serial of ATA SATA with choice ability of RAID 5. Operating system in it Red Hat menggnakan, SUSE, Fedora Linux, and Windows Server. Server I120Ra-E1 bought by price lable gyrate USD 1.800
Whereas Express 5800 / 140Ba-10 blade, at the price of USD 6.500 this have memory socket 16 DIMM for memory 64GB. This Server is woke up with four Xeon E7220 dual-core processor or of E7340 quad-core. In addition, type of blade this also fitt in with H-Chassis NEC, and support with four fairish disk 2.5 inch. type of Server blade commonly use for the data of center, with processor which many, wide of depository capacities and memory with usage of power which is more
Product Brand of NEC more knowledgeable in Japan, Europe and Asia Pacific. NEC alone do not the included in five peripatetic vendor top in the field of server. NEC reach for 13% market share, outside vendor five top, like IBM, HP Hewlett-Packard , Dell, Sun Microsystems, and Fujitsu or of Fujitsu Siemens.

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