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IBM, Last Friday have introduced system of SSD Solid-State Drive

Written by Lowongan Kerja on 12.55

IBM, Last Friday have introduced system of SSD Solid-State Drive high performa which have been developed by during 12 months and much more quickly than contemporary harddisk, where this SSD of didesain for the application of sensitive and is efficient of time, like system and reservasi of trading monetary. this New system pursuant to done/conducted by research is IBM in mendesain pengontrol of card memory flash. All researcher have developed software able to yield high performa of memory flash
IBM use SSD, beside is same pengontrol for harddisk. In system of flash new, IBM use Intel-Based IBM server of System is same, which walking in system of Linux and of Fibre Channel tardisional. Its difference is Linux software work in server, and usage of card memory flash made by Fusion-Io. Researcher of IBM of laboratory development of Hursley in English and of Almaden Research Center in California have depository system 4TB and use new technology. the Depository system named by Project Quicksilver, 250% quicker than traditional harddisk. Transfer of data use technology of SSD have owned 1 million input / output per second with time of respon less than 1 milisecond
If/When compared to quickest industry of system of harddisk, technological of Quicksilver have time of respon less than 1 / 20th. this SSD IBM take space 1 / 5th and ask power 55% also cooling. System of Quicksilver can add application efficiency of sensitive time, like system and reservasi of trading data and financial of warehouse with intelligence business software. Whereas prototype 4TB, can add capacities by developing pengontrol of cluster at card memory flash. IBM have also provided SSD for the server of Bladecenter during more than one year, and IBM have commited to provide SSD between application, middleware, and system of hardware.

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