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First Samsung Rilis Netbook of him Next Month

Written by Lowongan Kerja on 14.42

First Samsung Rilis Netbook of him Next Month
By deteriorating worldwide economy him/ it recently, do not surprise if many computer manufacturer start to look for the way of producing system with cheap expense to take care of advantage marjin. According to report of IDC, netbook have cheap expense to like Asus Eee PC support industry of PC to continue to to expand in the middle of is tardy of world economic him. Samsung nowadays ready for entering segment of netbook by launching product which not yet owned the name of opening. According to Whatlaptop situs, netbook of Samsung will immediately attend in is final of this October year month;moon
Samsung not yet conversed many about specification in this time, but people say the netbook will have screen/sail 10,2 inch and is available in white colour, black, and blue
Small Keyboard usually become especial sigh in product of netbook. To overcome the problem, Samsung set mind on to remove knobs which do not too good for - like knob of control media - to maximize size measure of keyboard especial
The Netbook provide VGA-OUT konektivitas, Ethernet and three port of USB. Product of Samsung this also will have the specification of big for the size measure of netbook. What Laptop memprediksi that the netbook will provide with Intel Atom of N270, LOUVRE equal to 1GB and fairish disk hard 80GB or 120GB. Because Samsung also represent one of the producer of SSD biggest in world, don't surprise if Samsung also provide opdon to change HD with SSD
Source of What Laptop also say that Samsung netbook will use battery 6-cell able to stay more than five hour/clock . Price not yet officially dirilis, but Samsung claim that its price about will is equal to what on the market market that is about/around $ 500. What Laptop

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