AMD Prepare Kompetitor Atom
Written by Lowongan Kerja on 14.43
AMD Prepare Kompetitor Atom
just Fair if AMD also wish poachon another's preserve in segment where sale of abysmal Atom even estimation of Intel alone. Whereas busy Intel draw up the roll-out of Atom core dual in October, AMD will use one of the its product to vie with Intel in segment of netbook or of mobile devices internet MID which is in this time mastered by Atom
Although not yet owned product able to contest Atom in size measure facet, energy consumption and efficiency, CHW say that AMD will target segment which they mention client value ultra UVC with two Athlon prosesor 65nm, Athlon 2650e 15 watt and Athlon X2 core dual 3250e 22 watt . this two Product will have clockspeed 1.6GHz and 1.5GHz and consume the more energy compared to Atom with Silverthorne core which only requiring 2 Atom or watt with Diamondville core requiring 4 watt
Possible also AMD do not aim to to push usage of his/its product in netbook, however what referred as ' nettop' by Intel - computer of desktop cheap which major computing cloud for everyday usage of him. this TG Daily two product price memprediksi for berkisat among/between $ 40 till $ 50, while Diamondville sold at the price of $ 23 and $ 44 and price produce Atom only $ 6