New Microsoft Rilis Zune
Written by Lowongan Kerja on 14.44
New Microsoft Rilis Zune
Although Microsoft announce pemutar of new media of him of Zune several hours before event of Let'S carried out by Rock is Apple in last two-day San Francisco, seems attention of more media centrally at Apple and of lini product of iPod-nya new. Product series of Zune new which announced by Microsoft offer depository capacities which more compared to is its predecessor and new software which enhance some unique fitur newly
From hardware facet, Zune will come with capacities 120GB being based on drive hard $ 249 and 16GB being based on memory flash $ 199 . Desain both of this New Zune not many changing, but owning tricolour newly that is is blue, silver and is black of legam
Of software facet, Zune have some new fitur. Fitur most good for which on the market is if You hear a song which You like to pass/through antenna; of FM Zune, You have opdon to buy the the song pass/through Zune wi-fi koneksi. Loo like like new fitur of Nano iPod, New Zune also can recommend song pursuant to what You hear and in addition have some canal compiled by all expert with various theme like athletic music
Zune also will come with two Hexic game and of Texas Hold'Em card game and support audio of book
Products of Zune other will be sold at the price of is cheaper. Zune 80GB is nowadays sold at the price of $ 229, version 8GB at the price of $ 150 and 4GB at the price of $ 130. via Cnet