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Intel of chip merilis of dual Atom core 330

Written by Lowongan Kerja on 12.44

Intel of chip merilis of dual Atom core 330 in September, and accompanied with roll-out of D945Gclf2 motherboard. Motherboard and chip of Intel this will be targeted for the user of beginner level, and user wishing pC home basic, and terminal point-of-sale kustomisasi. Atom 330 expected to have speed 1,6GHz with Hyperthreading support in each;every processor, to be total four virtual core, as required for the loading of operating system.
Total of L2 cache on-die is 1MB or 512K per processor, and chip will walk in bus which is have speed to 533MHz. Intel expect Atom chip 330 will step faster than Atom 230 in application any kind of application which can with core multiple.
Whereas D945Gclf2 motherboard much the same to with platform of D945Gclf, but have a few/little change. specificly, platform of D945Gclf2 the updated have offered Ethernet gigabit and six HD audio channel, of size measure of Ethernet 10 / 100TX and 2+2 audio configuraton. this new Motherboard D945Gclf2 have ancient architecture, low performance and still stay with GPU Graphics Processing Unit , also bring slot of DIMM and one slot of PCI to upgrade. There no DVI output, but there is S-Video as choice in motherboard. Decision of Intel in roll-out of Atom chipset 330 and this D945Gclf2 motherboard is not to update platform of processor to be more atraktif, but the nevertheless Intel expect this Atom chipset can more modern, economical platform of energi, though at the price of high. But, Intel enough elated because its Atom version chipset have been used almost in all netbook

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