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Toshiba it is true desist to produce its HD-DVD

Written by Lowongan Kerja on 12.49

After failing in ' war of format' fight against Sony, Toshiba it is true desist to produce its HD-DVD. But recently Toshiba Corp. again make news by launching newest DVD player of him which carrying technology of XDE Detail Enhancement eXtended . Technological this according to party/ side of Toshiba can convert resolution of DVD content which is berstandart 480p to be displayed by High Definition HD which is beresolusi 720p, 1080p and also 1080p
this XDE DVD Player according to party/ side of Toshiba Corp. produced non to redo contest of format of Blu-Ray with HD-DVD. According To Louis Masses, Director Of Product Planning Toshiba, XDE DVD Player is not designed to play both this format, but rather focussed innovation at development of format of DVD old ones to High Definition displayed. " If we like to turn around Blu-Ray, hence buying Blu-Ray Plater, because this XDE DVD only destined to DVD future improvisasi", continue Masses
For price sell in marketing, Toshiba plan sale of series of XD-E500 at the price of $ American 149,99 dollar. But according to some observer convert resolution of DVD done/conducted by is Toshiba pass/through technology of XDE at newest DVD Player of this him not yet earned to come up to the quality of durability of picture of Blu-Ray disc which is six times is better the than DVD. Is but confessed, technology of XDE this can improve durability of picture passim step aside so that can overcome the problem of blurry picture at the time of DVD turned around by in screen/sail of besar.

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