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Lenovo announce will launch product of netbook newest of him

Written by Lowongan Kerja on 11.14

Lenovo announce will launch product of netbook newest of him, company of Lenovo try to provide his/its technological service to devotee of is is same as its competitor of ASS Eee PC representing most successful company at market of notebook to in this time
Lenovo finally have chosen company to produce netbook-nya to come. Quanta Computers expected to provide hardware component which needed, where AU Optronics say that he have been selected as dealer for panels of Lenovo netbook. Furthermore, likely Lenovo have ready to officially launch computer systems of portabel-nya small fairish during near by
this Netbook Lenovo will be launched in two different model at the time of its product launching. its one Product will be fairish 8.9 inch use screen/sail of LCD, meant to vie with ASUS' 1000-series and MSI Me Wind in segment 10-inch. Netbook will use Intel Atom prosesor and will come with LED panels backlit
According to provided detail, product of Lenovo have capacities of harddisk equal to 160GB and this Lenovo netbook will on the market in four different colour, one of them white and pink waran. There no available detail regarding/ hit operating system of netbook that or other technical fitur . However, seen to be price of netbook Lenovo will on the market at the price of USD 399 - USD599, according to Economic Daily News
A period of/to incoming will be more many detail to emerge. When this Lenovo plan to do to vie with ASUS in market compartment of netbook, besides its ASUS rival is Dell, Toshiba, Nec and of Acer

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