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LG Electronic and of Netflix have Blu-Ray Disc LG BD300 player me-launching

Written by Lowongan Kerja on 11.15

Last Thursday, LG Electronic and of Netflix have Blu-Ray Disc LG BD300 player me-launching. LG BD300 represent DVD player able to run Blu-Ray and of disc standard. As bonus, this player also can give instant streaming to consumer able to play 12.000 episode and film of TV, what peculiarly can enjoy to cutomer/ client of Netflix. With cable koneksi of broadband, Netflix member can access information of accunt their and " Queue" via LG BD300.
With LG BD300, cutomer/ client of Netflix can look for film choice, reading synopsis, and film meranking. Cutomer/ client can do/conduct pause, forward fast, and their film choice rewind with LG BD300 control remote. Player LG BD300 also have function fitur of LG BD Live providing bonus content, extra time real, and access picture-in-picture for the choice of Blu-Ray disc.
" LG BD300 represent first industry of LG and provide consumer with high disc player with quality, solid with special flexibility and access service network of Netflix.", word of Teddy Hwang, President LG Electronics, USA. In addition, according to Hwang, for the fitur of theatre home simple, LG BD300 also have technology of LG Simplink, facilitating user to control is same equipments among/between LG TV and product of AV via screen/sail menu or is direct the than product.
: " LG Electronics represent company developing x'self as leader innovate in the world of electronic, by combining Blu-Ray konektivitas and network of broadband best. LG Electronics represent is first the than technological partner of us to publicize our strategy, utilize to get to access Internet to TV, and first time to introduce Blu-Ray player. But, to the problem of price, not yet we can publicize.", word of Reed Hastings, Co-Founder, Chairman and of CEO Netflix.

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